Dwelling in the Desert.

Lily and I have made our way back into the Pacific Time zone and have been thouroughly enjoying the splendor of the deserts we are traversing. We made a quick stop back in Borrego Springs to camp a few nights in the Anza-Borrego Desert before making our way north towards the next big destinations of this adventure.

It was nice to be back in Borrego Springs and experience the brilliant blue sky and giant harvest moon but after three dark sky nights it was time to get back onto the road and hit the last two National Parks on the itinerary.

Joshua Tree National Park

A very interesting and slightly odd National Park if I’m being honest. But then Joshua and Yucca trees are pretty interesting and odd. We dry camped here for just a few nights and did a few small hikes, more like walks, around the sprawling giant agaves.

After Joshua Tree we stopped overnight at Silurian Lake to boondock in the dry lake bed before moving into the next National Park. I think this might be my favorite BLM area to camp so far. We were totally isolated and alone about 4 miles off the main highway and it was truly an awesome experience.

Death Valley National Park

We stopped in Death Valley on the last trip but didn’t get the chance to do much because we camped about an hour outside the park. This time we were able to reserve a site down in Furnace Creek. At first I was skeptical about staying 4 nights in this dry, hot and dirty location but the more I got out and experienced the wonders of Death Valley the more I loved it. First stop was Badwater Basin for sunset over the salt flats.

Then it was time to do some hiking. I was excited to get out into the sunshine and wander around the badlands of Golden Canyon, Red Cathedral, and Gower Gulch. Hiking in Death Valley with full sun exposure even in February was not easy but it was totally worth the imminent heat stroke.

After spending three rather strenuous and exhausting hours in the badlands I trekked over to The Artists Palette to marvel at the splendid array of colors splashed across the hills. It’s truly amazing to behold.

Finally, I wrapped up my day at the Death Valley Inn lounge for a prickly pear margarita and front row seat to yet another stunning Death Valley sunset.

Reno, NV

We left the depths of the desert and continued north towards Reno for some much anticipated friend time with our most favorite people. En route to Nevada we spent a cold and blustery night at the base of the Eastern Sierras just off highway 395.

Arriving in Reno, we were able to park the Airstream in the side yard right next to the house and that was the cherry on top of an already amazing visit. Visiting friends while traveling with the Airstream is the absolute best.

And so, after a wonderful week of fabulous friends, fantastic food, cabana libations, and relaxing hot tub nights, we hitched up and pulled out to make the final push north towards the PNW and home. We are just about done with this trip and it’s been a long one for sure.

Stay tuned for one last blog before we hang up the travel hat for the summer and start planning our next adventure. As always, thanks for following us and happy travels!

2 thoughts on “Dwelling in the Desert.

  1. Darcy February 24, 2023 / 9:09 am

    Wow what a journey! Glad you are having a good time.


  2. IAN March 1, 2023 / 5:07 pm

    Gorgeous! Curious how Lily did at Silurian Lake with nothing around to sniff!


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